Kat's Reviews > Verity

Verity by Colleen Hoover
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did not like it

what fucking bullshit!!
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Reading Progress

November 8, 2020 – Shelved
November 8, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
January 18, 2021 – Started Reading
January 18, 2021 –
January 18, 2021 –
66.0% "lmao at the fact this “thriller” feels exactly the same as all of coho’s previous books....toxic relationships & boring sex"
January 18, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 142 (142 new)

Kailyn WHAT

message 2: by Lerna (new)

Lerna der Sensenmann Can't believe you rated my favorite book 1 star, I am immediately unsubscribing from your youtube channel. I am shocked and disappointed

message 3: by -Anne- (new) - added it

-Anne- omg lerna needs to calm down lolol. i support u kat in the hat

Sabrina Abdelal Wait really!! I loved this book lmfao

Kelley I disliked this book as well.

message 6: by Dora (new)

Dora Vaz I can't wait for a review

(btw lerna you need to calm down)

Melissa Baker Your ratings being me genuine joy lol

bookthingswithbrit I’m so glad someone else thinks this book was completely shit. And thank you. It’s not a thriller.

Brittany Hinkle I really liked this book but I will NOT be unsubscribing from your channel 😂 your videos are the best

Sofia IDFC I loved it 😂 would love to see your reaction in a video tho

message 11: by Jess (new) - added it

Jess okay i wanted to read this- is it actually garbage or is it just not what it was marketed as?

catrina Actually kinda shocked about this rating...

message 13: by Navya (new)

Navya Okay i am WAITING for the wrap up/ review.

message 14: by Becky (new) - rated it 1 star

Becky Say it louder

Larça Things became very intense for Lerna all of sudden


message 17: by rach (new) - rated it 1 star

rach will need a video review of this book pls and ty

Elena I'm genuinely curious about ur opinion on this book!😂 A review video please! 😇

message 19: by Steph (new) - added it

Steph Lema is probably an internet troll. They have no books listed on their profile. And really? Verity a number 1 favorite book?

AFrolicInTheTomesXx I don’t... why would you give a book 1 star for having dark topics in it?

message 21: by Navya (new)

Navya Shana, i don't think Kat's giving it 1 star for having dark topics. CW means content warning. It's like a trigger warning for potential readers?

Cindy That’s right! DNFd at 15% 😌

Kaitlan This was my first book by Colleen Hoover and it will be my last. This author is definitely not for me.

message 24: by Lauren (new)

Lauren It’s Colleen Hoover, what did we expect

message 25: by Samah (new)

Samah (samahcanread_) When I saw that you were reading this on Goodreads, it raised some eyebrows. I saw this review coming from miles away tbh lol

message 26: by Diana (new) - rated it 1 star

Diana Hahahah, finally someone understands me!!!!!

Regina ( Booktalks.WithRegina) OMG i loved this book ahahahhaah

message 28: by Carl (new) - rated it 3 stars

Carl The  Hippo I'm offended😪. This book was sooo good

message 29: by Carl (new) - rated it 3 stars

Carl The  Hippo I'm so touched right now 😭🤚. This book was soooo good.

Brittany Beggs The ending ruined it.

message 31: by Jazz (new)

Jazz I wonder if there will be a video concerning this book (even though I have never read it)-- high key excited for a ranting Kat lmao

message 32: by macarena (new)

macarena Heyy! I've seen Colleen Hoover recomended everywhere, any recomendations? Apparently not this one hehe

Salma  ❥ Finally someone who didn't like this book , I thought I was the only one.
Like u said it was absolute bullshit!!

message 34: by Jo (new) - added it

Jo When CW’s take away possibly every mystery to books :s

message 35: by Brei (new) - rated it 5 stars

Brei McCray I am shocked by this. 😭

message 36: by Sei (new) - rated it 1 star

Sei Sue finally someone on booktube who didn't like that book! I saw your low rating coming tbf and I'm glad to be right about it ;) can't wait to hear you trash that absolute garbage of a book

Haley What?!?!?! You have crushed my soul, Kat. Not enough for me to unsubscribe #calmdown

message 38: by johanna (new)

johanna I miss u talking trash about books kat

message 39: by Erin (new) - rated it 1 star

Erin THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kirsty WHYYY it's on my TBR

message 41: by José (last edited Jan 19, 2021 10:29AM) (new)

José Luis Well, this is going to be interesting, as I have it on my TBR 🤔

message 42: by Selma (new) - rated it 1 star

Selma I hate this book with a passion...absolutely what you would expect when a YA/NA-author tries to write a thriller

message 43: by Lais (new) - rated it 1 star

Lais do Val AGREE

message 44: by Ally (new)

Ally Somehow 'what fucking bullshit' is so bland but so descriptive at the same time.

Maria I like the Verity. She was a veritable villain, but that ending was bullshit

message 46: by Leonor (new) - added it

Leonor This book is on my shelf ready to be read and uhmm i'm reading it anyway. Actually heard good things about it but Kat's opinions are just superior ... let's see...

maría eugenia omg this book is in my want to read shelf... WHY THO

message 48: by Annu (new) - rated it 5 stars

Annu Binoy Kattt! I hope u give us a yt video soon! Im not complaining or anything. I miss ur content!!😭💜

message 49: by -Gabi- (new)

-Gabi- i need you to film a rant about this.

message 50: by Addina (new) - added it

Addina Witsqa read "IT ENDS WITH US" that's her best work in my opinion!

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