Teya Teya's Reviews > Shackles of Honor

Shackles of Honor by Marcia Lynn McClure
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it was amazing

It's that time of the year again to devour the deliciousness of Marcia Mcclure's journeys to destiny books. Okay, I'm a month early starting but who cares!

THis one always gets my dander up every time. Yet I still love it. iT creates frustration, swooning, cringing, and love. Seriously it's packed with yumminess.

other years
Loved it!

I have a hard time with this book. I noticed it more the second time. I think it's the way it's written and if I'm right about that then it's perfect. I feel so frustrated because nobody explains anything till the end. You figure moat of it out right with her if not before. It adds to the intensity of this book. I love it, yes because it all comes together in that happy feel good, whew moment. Infill then you want to pull your hair out and shout would someone just explain. Well written in that aspect of hanging on and suspense intensity. I want to reach into the book and slap somebody. Then all the sudden when you can't take it another second, there and breathe.

Cassidy and Mason have always been a long favorite. A mystery of sadness and secrecy all thwarted by true love. Swoon!
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Reading Progress

July 1, 2012 – Shelved
Started Reading
August 17, 2022 – Finished Reading

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