Jessica 's Reviews > The Roommate

The Roommate by Rosie Danan
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it was ok

2.5 Stars.

I seem to be in the minority for this one, but boy did this book not work for me. First, I really couldn't connect with anything about this book. I listened to this on audio and was bored throughout the entire thing. I was never excited to pick the book back up and found myself listening to it more just so that I could finish and move on to something I cared about. The main problem? Clara. She was such a flat character and I did not care for her one bit. Her biggest "flaws" were that she was rich and had a big chest. Sorry, but I'm not impressed. She constantly talked about letting her parents down and how she was rich and would never be able to be with Josh, yet we literally never see her interact with her family. Sure she talks to her mom on the phone once or twice, but never do we see this tense relationship or understand her need to please her socialite parents. Also, CLARA HAS HER PHD and yet she moves across the country with no job to chase a boy she's crushed on FOR 14 YEARS!? Seriously!?!?!? And then she gets a job that has nothing to do with her degree. Why did you just waste all of those years AND MONEY to do nothing with those degrees? That made no sense to me and she only explained it by saying she had a degree rich people waste their money on. This annoyed me more than it should have, but come on.

As for the relationship between Josh and Clara, it felt very surface level and I didn't get at all why Josh liked Clara other than because of their physical connection. I didn't care about them and was annoyed with Clara's jump to conclusions at the end that causes conflict in their relationship. I just didn't buy into the romance and didn't really care for anything that happened in here. Sure Josh was cute and super sweet, but that didn't save this book for me.
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Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by KristynRene (new)

KristynRene SwissCheese JellyBean I felt the same way about this one, so you aren’t alone!!

Christi (christireadsalot) Completely agree and rated it the same, the hype was not real.

Melissa Landau I AGREE!! also a book about a pornstar romance...I expected so much more! I wanted more drama!!

Bethany I really liked the sex positivity, so I rated it a little bit higher. But yeah, I did not really like Clara. Josh deserved better.

Reah I know it’s nitpicking but also: homegirl has a PhD at 27?? How???? We’re talking at least 6-7 years of graduate school. At LEAST.

message 7: by Dana (new) - rated it 1 star

Dana I agree. It was awful. Gross, dumb, a total waste of time! Don't even think about reading The Intimacy Experiment, by the same author. It's even worse!

Anna Antony Thanks for writing this review. I always look for your reviews before reading books. If this book is like this, I will take it out of my tbr.

message 9: by Dana (new) - rated it 1 star

Dana Reah wrote: "I know it’s nitpicking but also: homegirl has a PhD at 27?? How???? We’re talking at least 6-7 years of graduate school. At LEAST."

It does not take 6 to 7 years to get a PhD. I know many people who earn them by 24 or 25. Some students are in grad school by 20, as my daughter was, having started college with 2 years of AP credits. Even an MD only goes to medical school for 4 years, putting them at 26.

message 10: by molly (new) - rated it 1 star

molly couldn’t agree more!!

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