Dave's Reviews > Goldstein

Goldstein by Volker Kutscher
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I found Goldstein to be a nice step forward in this series and enjoyed it more than the first two books. As described, it centers on Kommisar Gereon Rath's assignment to tail an American gangster and a simmering conflict in the Berlin underworld but Kutscher also does a fine job to weave in exploration of the growing economic despair and expanding Nazi influence of the period. He does a fine job to establish interesting threads and slowly bring them together in a way that kept my interest but was also more grounded than the second book.

Interestingly, in addition to still being pretty unlikable, Rath is also a pretty poor investigator in this book. Hercule Poirot he is not. It makes me feel that there could be a better series centered on Charly instead. However, I am still very interested to see where Kutscher takes the series as political events in Germany grow more desperate.
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August 21, 2020 – Started Reading
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message 1: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Dave, have you seen the Netflix series of these?

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