chai (thelibrairie on tiktok!) ♡'s Reviews > The Burning God

The Burning God by R.F. Kuang
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I love how the early reviews for this book range from "this was such a great book!" to "I'm but a shriveled husk of my former self. I will never meet happiness again. All therapy bills must be forwarded to R.F. Kuang."

Can't wait.
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Reading Progress

August 11, 2020 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Racheal Harper Ughhhhh I’m dying over hereeeeeee

message 2: by amily :) (new) - added it

amily :) i’m so scared

message 3: by AHHHHHH (new) - added it

AHHHHHH I am completely terrified of reading this book ahhHHH. Every time I think of it I get simultaneously excited and so, so nervous because I already KNOW that this book will end me emotionally.

ayesha did you read it yet

Racheal Harper WHEREEEE IS YOUR REVIEW FOR THIS! I just finished and I’m DEAD. My heart is shattered into a thousand pieces. I’m reeling!!!!!

message 6: by Ian M. Pyatt (new)

Ian M. Pyatt Loved the reviews for all 3 books in the series and am yet to crack the spin on any of them....guess I'd better hurry up and start with the first. As usual, so many books and not as much time as I would like to read!

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