Timothy Urgest's Reviews > Zodiac: An Eco-Thriller

Zodiac by Neal Stephenson
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Nobody gives a shit about their sins anymore. You think those corporate execs worry about sin?

Environmental catastrophe is a constant, and the cure for catastrophe can easily become another culprit.
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Reading Progress

July 13, 2020 – Started Reading
July 13, 2020 – Shelved
July 13, 2020 –
page 14
4.55% "When I got back, bacon was smoldering on the range, filling the house with gas-phase polycyclic aromatics—my favorite carcinogen by a long shot."
July 15, 2020 –
page 61
19.81% "That’s why I don’t even own a bike light, or one of those godawful reflective suits. Because if you’ve put yourself in a position where someone has to see you in order for you to be safe—to see you, and to give a fuck—you’ve already blown it.

Reminds me of the mask debate."
July 17, 2020 –
page 75
24.35% "Any property that’s open to common use gets destroyed. Because everyone has incentive to use it to the max, but no one has incentive to maintain it. Like the water and the air. These guys have incentive to pollute the ocean, but no reason to clean it up."
November 11, 2020 –
page 212
November 13, 2020 – Finished Reading

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