Laura Thalassa's Reviews > A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash, #2)
How is this better than the first book?
Guys, Jennifer Armentrout used straight up witchcraft to write this novel. That’s got to be her secret because I didn’t think she could top From Blood and Ash, but she did!
Okay, not going to spoil anything, though the book's final revelation had me FREAKING OUT. And now comes the heartbreaking part—settling in for the wait until the next book.
Seriously, this series is my top of 2020!!! Highly, HIGHLY recommend!
*SCREAMING* I'm so friggin' excited for this.
For those of you who haven't heard me shrieking about this series, it's my newest obsession. Like legitimately it just made my Monday feel like a Friday, and that's basically witchcraft. So.
Also, the BLURB. The motherf*cking blurb!
Can't. Freaking. WAIT.
How is this better than the first book?
Guys, Jennifer Armentrout used straight up witchcraft to write this novel. That’s got to be her secret because I didn’t think she could top From Blood and Ash, but she did!
Okay, not going to spoil anything, though the book's final revelation had me FREAKING OUT. And now comes the heartbreaking part—settling in for the wait until the next book.
Seriously, this series is my top of 2020!!! Highly, HIGHLY recommend!
*SCREAMING* I'm so friggin' excited for this.
For those of you who haven't heard me shrieking about this series, it's my newest obsession. Like legitimately it just made my Monday feel like a Friday, and that's basically witchcraft. So.
Also, the BLURB. The motherf*cking blurb!
Can't. Freaking. WAIT.
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A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire.
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✩ Yaz ✩
rated it 5 stars
Sep 01, 2020 10:36AM
I finished this a little while ago and I LOVED it😍