Horizon_Universe's Reviews > A Map of the Invisible: Journeys into Particle Physics
A Map of the Invisible: Journeys into Particle Physics
Ce livre a une super idée de base : expliquer la physique des particules comme à travers un voyage autour du monde. Utilisant une sorte de carte du monde des particules, avec force métaphores, l’auteur parvient très bien, à mon sens, à rendre ce sujet, pour sur très complexe, des plus intéressants et grand public.
Le postulat de base, de créer une sorte de voyage à travers la physique, est très osé, et permet vraiment de s’immiscer bien plus dans le sujet, sans pour autant le rendre enfantin ou simpliste. En moins de 300 pages, Jon Butterworth fait un joli tour d’horizon de notre savoir actuel à ce propos, et donne vraiment l’envie d’en savoir plus.
This book has a great idea: explaining particle physics as a trip around the world. Using a sort of map of the world of particles, with plenty of metaphors, the author really succeeds, in my opinion, to make the subject, for sure very complex, much interesting for the public. The premise, to create a journey through physics, is audacious, and really allows to enter into this subject, without making it childish or simplistic. In less than 300 pages, Jon Butterworth makes a nice overview of our current knowledge on the matter, and really gives the desire to know more about it.
This book has a great idea: explaining particle physics as a trip around the world. Using a sort of map of the world of particles, with plenty of metaphors, the author really succeeds, in my opinion, to make the subject, for sure very complex, much interesting for the public. The premise, to create a journey through physics, is audacious, and really allows to enter into this subject, without making it childish or simplistic. In less than 300 pages, Jon Butterworth makes a nice overview of our current knowledge on the matter, and really gives the desire to know more about it.
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