Nicky's Reviews > Practical Ethics

Practical Ethics by Peter Singer
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bookshelves: non-fiction, philosophy, for-class

Interesting, not that I agree with all of it. Pretty easy to read, thankfully, and clear.

Edit on reread: I can understand why this book gets some pretty extreme reactions, now I've read it straight through like this. His view of ethics builds up throughout the book, too, so if you don't read all of it, if you read some of it out of context, then he sounds pretty awful.

It also should, if you're properly thinking about it, make you wonder why our society -- globally -- is the way it is, if we claim to be so concerned with morality. Even Christian ethics points the same way as Singer's ethics, despite his intent to make a new, practical system. Why do we let things go on the way we do?

I do agree with a lot of his conclusions, but not because I've necessarily gone through the same thought process. He points out some discomforting truths.
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Reading Progress

September 27, 2008 – Shelved
October 2, 2008 –
page 55
May 14, 2009 –
page 110
26.76% "Rereading for exams."
May 17, 2009 –
page 175
42.58% "I'm completely not a utilitarian but at least this stuff is clear and well-argued."
Started Reading
May 27, 2009 – Finished Reading

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