Kat's Reviews > Becoming

Becoming by Michelle Obama
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's review

i’m so glad that i got the audiobook for this back and finally was able to finish all these months later!

michelle obama sharing her experience and dropping nuggets of wisdom into my ear holes for 19 hours straight was just a delightful experience :)
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Reading Progress

March 7, 2020 –
March 26, 2020 –
June 16, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
June 16, 2020 – Shelved
July 18, 2020 – Started Reading
July 19, 2020 –
page 250
July 19, 2020 –
page 389
July 19, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Soundarya Baswaraj You completed this?

I was in the last 100 pages when I saw your July TBR video
And I completed this book just now

message 2: by Ashish (new)

Ashish Rudraksh Kumar Wow that was quick!

Natasha I started reading it this week and I'm almost done and LOVING IT!

message 4: by Cute Cutey (new)

Cute Cutey this is so trash

message 5: by Lynda (new)

Lynda Benninger This audiobook was one of the first I borrowed and listened to when the library re-opened. I loved every minute of it.She is a woman of deep reflection and introspection. . She is ALSO a woman of substance, class, intelligence and has a mesmerizing storytelling gift. I did not know about her experiences from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago. Such humble beginnings and then she was at at the world’s most famous address for 8 years!. She is so honest and witty. Her voice reveals how warm and wise she is . So refreshing to listen to someone with such class when the world is full of people who resort to filty name calling and unkind words. A class act. Do liten to the audiobook or read the book.

Lissa Jacobson One of the best books I’ve ever read (heard - audiobook). I went from knowing little about her to hoping to meet her someday! It’s so good to get to know who she is. I’m so impressed by her way of communicating and vocabulary. Such an honorable human being.

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