Jamie's Reviews > The Seventh

The Seventh by Richard Stark
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Damn. Nothing packs a punch, or fills my need for a quick fix of hardboiled crime fiction like these Parker novels. Short, sweet and no frills. Though I do sometimes wish there was a bit more color to Parker's personality. He's the strong, silent type. Self contained and unsentimental.

This time Parker and his pals pull off a football stadium heist, on game day. But things quickly go sour. Very sour. But the even keeled, always professional and methodical Parker is one thief who won't stand for getting robbed himself and will never, ever leave any loose ends. He sets out like a bloodhound on the trail of the poor sap who threw a monkey wrench in his sweet operation, despite the dead bodies piling up around him.
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June 1, 2020 – Started Reading
June 1, 2020 – Shelved
June 2, 2020 – Finished Reading

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