Darbella's Reviews > The Lady Travelers Guide to Happily Ever After

The Lady Travelers Guide to Happily Ever After by Victoria Alexander
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bookshelves: cheater-hero, estranged-separated-for-years

** spoiler alert ** 3.5 stars Violet and James HEA. Slow, slow burn. 6 years apart trope where Violet travels and grows up and James gets have lots of sex with other women and grow up. I found myself enjoying Cleo's and Marcus's love story better than Violet and James. (They meet, feel in love, and was happily married while we were still waiting on James and Violet to figure things out). Even as "grown up" James and Violet tended to run instead of talking things out.
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Reading Progress

May 26, 2020 – Started Reading
May 29, 2020 – Shelved
May 29, 2020 – Finished Reading

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