Didi's Reviews > Nothing Compares to the Duke

Nothing Compares to the Duke by Christy Carlyle
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bookshelves: arc-netgalley-edelweiss, historical-medieval-time-travel, romance, series

2.5 Stars rounded Up

Rhys Forester had intrigued me from the first time his character appeared on the series and I was reaaally keen on his story. It turned out to be ...not wholly satisfying? I suspected the opening chapter would be the major blow that broken years long friendship. But what transpired just had me gobsmacked. Don’t get me wrong, it’s shitty of Rhys to do what he did, but Arabella struck me as spoiled and nagging brat of a young lady. And to have that one incident (only) erasing years long familiarity. I mean, really??

While Rhys’ backstory was actually interesting, I felt like it wasn’t fully told and revealed to give this book justice. His relationship with his father that becoming (almost) non existing in his adult life wasn’t much explored. I also thought as someone who was supposedly known him best Bella was quick to judge him after her wish wasn’t being reciprocated.

So yeah, it’s safe to say I wasn’t too impressed with the heroine. She suffered others’ expectations of her station but she did the same in her dealing with her erstwhile best friend. And I was also disappointed that Rhys’ relationship with his partners in the Duke’s Den wasn’t particularly close given the plot of this installment. Color me naive, I just wish the more involving brotherhood than was shown here.

Worry not, it’s a given that these former best mates found their way together - it’s not a spoiler, it’s what expected. But I wasn’t very excited with the way the story went. All in all, NOTHING COMPARES TO THE DUKE was a cute enough read with undeliverable potential. It riddled with loopholes that - were they filled - would whack more impact to the story.

Copy of the book is kindly given by the author/publisher via Edelweiss + in exchange for an honest review.
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Reading Progress

May 12, 2020 – Shelved
May 12, 2020 – Shelved as: arc-netgalley-edelweiss
May 12, 2020 – Shelved as: historical-medieval-time-travel
May 12, 2020 – Shelved as: romance
May 12, 2020 – Shelved as: series
May 13, 2020 – Started Reading
May 15, 2020 – Finished Reading

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