Abibliophobia-the fear of running out of things to read 🥺's Reviews > Devil in Disguise

Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas
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Edit: Meerut is Lillian and Marcus’ oldest child and it is thought that the hero is related to Sebastian because of “devil”!
Edit: Oh, no! I hate stories with widows :(
Oh my goodness!!! I am so excited! And equally curious! Will this continue onto the Ravanel storyline or be a completely book and a start to a new series? Who knows?
Does anyone have any ideas or know anything that I don’t? I am highly anticipating this book, although a year is going to be a hard time for me! It’s Lisa Kleypas, though, so you know it’s going to be amazing! Yayayayay! 🥰
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March 19, 2020 – Shelved

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Visionary Druid I just finished reading the ARC... OMG, I LOVED it...

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