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Baba's Reviews > Bleak House

Bleak House by Charles Dickens
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bookshelves: classic

My Dickens binge carries on relentlessly. It's like I'm stuck in the Victorian era... and am loving it! An absorbing tale that harshly, but fairly satirises the Law; alongside the lives, the times and the adventures of the Wards of Jarndyce; yet again a myriad cast of fully realised characters across the classes. 8 out of 12.

2009 read
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Reading Progress

January 19, 2009 – Started Reading
January 27, 2009 – Finished Reading
March 10, 2020 – Shelved
March 10, 2020 – Shelved as: classic

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Colin (new)

Colin Baldwin A Dickens-binge. Be careful, Baba. You need exit strategies or you will be forever lost. Just sayin' CB

Baba Colin wrote: "A Dickens-binge. Be careful, Baba. You need exit strategies or you will be forever lost. Just sayin' CB"

This was in the past, but yes the binge lasted over lots and lots books and many years :)

message 3: by Colin (new)

Colin Baldwin Oh, Babs, I can’t work GRs out sometimes - says 20 April 2022 beside your 4 stars - or maybe that’s when someone ‘liked’ it, so it shows up in feed. Either way, glad you had lots of years of joy!

Baba Colin wrote: "Oh, Baba, I can’t work GRs out sometimes - says 20 April 2022 beside your 4 stars - or maybe that’s when someone ‘liked’ it, so it shows up in feed. Either way, glad you had lots of years of joy!"

No worries Colin, what I do is add the original date I read a book at the end of all my reviews :) ..also Good reads adds the actually reading dates to a review , I hope that helps.

message 5: by Colin (new)

Colin Baldwin Yep. I’ll try to look closer at the fine print. Cheers, CB

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