Daniel B.'s Reviews > The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower by Stephen        King
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Finishing this book is like ending a relationship you don't want to be over, but is was certainly a relationship that needed ending. You will be frustrated, angry, and WANTING MORE LIKE A DAMN DRUG!

Stephen King is the master of mind f*cking his readers. Rarely has he done it so well as here.

Full Review Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP_0q...
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February 28, 2020 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)

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Ross I hated how it has two endings. It felt like SK was just giving his loyal fans the middle finger. Ruined the whole series for me.

Jóhan Djurholm You can still read "The Wind through the Keyhole" which is book no. 4.5 in the seriesm

Tobias Frolov I'm on my second journey to the tower at the moment. Love the series (and the ending)! Although I agree that some of the final confrontations were lacking.

message 4: by Dillfish17 (new)

Dillfish17 I finished the fifth book a bit back and was disappointed but I heard the remaining two books are much better so I’m looking forward to it

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