Kat's Reviews > Sharp Objects

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
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sweet jesus.
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February 24, 2020 – Shelved as: physical-tbr
February 24, 2020 – Shelved
March 11, 2020 – Started Reading
March 14, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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Katsumi Queen of Thrillers and complex female characters 👑

Chelsi (Moe) This was my favorite of Gillian Flynn's!

mary I wish I could read this book for the first time again tbh

❀ iro ❀ it wasn't my personal favorite of hers (I liked Dark Places much more) but I think the HBO adaptation of this book is phenomenal if you want to check it out

message 6: by ivana (new)

ivana watch the show!!

message 7: by Ana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ana Cristina THE SHOW *chef's kiss*

Marie-Theres Thanks for reminding me of this book, I really have to re-read it again sometimes because it was just that good in the most twisted way.

Jasper I see you have finally discovered the Queen.

Kylie This book & the HBO Show?? Amazing!!

Calcra You should watch the show! It's really atmospheric.

message 12: by Ema (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ema it’s what she deserves!!

message 13: by Elisa (new)

Elisa If you had to recommend one Gillian Flynn what would it be? I'm curious to know which one I should read first lol

Caitlin CS So glad you like her writing! She’s awesome

Court Garris I love this book so much and now I know that,. without a doubt, you are the YouTuber/book reviewer who has a reading taste most like mine. I am so stoked that you loved this book.

anna-lena oof, this is my absolute fav book of all time, a comforting read, i can quote certain passages and im glad you really like this!

Delena Just did a reread of this and it was just what I needed

message 18: by I.D. (new) - added it

I.D. Li Ooh okay, guess it’s going on my reading list then

Sophie i really have to recommend dark places and gone girl... there's just something about her writing that gets me every time and all of her books are so phenomenal!! sharp objects is my favourite, but the others are all so good!

message 20: by Hana (new) - added it

Hana yes yes! have you seen the tv show on hbo?? so good as well ... i love me some southern gothic thrillers

message 21: by Aden (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aden my marketing teacher recommended this for me lmao now that you have read it to i need to

Brittan My favorite favorite book

Ditte I read this after watching your video. It was so good!!

Maria I remember when you where reading this I hoped that you'd like it, because it's one of my favourite thrillers

Nazanin I read this after I saw your video...I was yawning 80% of it not my thing 🤷🏼‍♀️

message 26: by Seb (new) - rated it 4 stars

Seb I really enjoyed this book. I am watching the show at the moment.

Krissy Your review (and video) made me buy this book and it just came in! I’m so excited!

message 28: by B (new) - rated it 4 stars

B Your review led me to order this book. Thank you!

Halima Hahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah

StorytimeWithEllie This was my favorite of her books... I think there may be 1 newer one I haven't read yet. But loved this.. definitely a 4* for me

message 31: by Mae (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mae Ferguson i figured it out in less than 100 pages

allistair Rutherford Probably one of my favorite reads of the year so far

message 33: by Jo (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jo Sé Exactly what I thought once I turned the final page on this piece of literal excrement.

message 34: by Maya (new) - rated it 3 stars

Maya I’m confused, did Kat read sharp objects again ??

Krissy my favorite thriller and I read it thanks to you

思莹 did u reread it?

message 37: by mbcarlota (new) - added it

mbcarlota What do you mean 4?????? I feel attacked

Sofia Jeremiah I thought this was a 5 star read? I noticed you keep downgrading books.

Katie Do glad you loved this book too!!!!

message 40: by Lynn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lynn That ending though!!

Stuart Jarvis I read this on your recommendation, Kat. After the first thirty pages I was so hooked that I ended up finishing the book in the same day. So, thank you!

Kelly McNicholas Literally the same reaction

Annujendu Datta Majumdar This is my reaction everytime I put down one of Gillian Flynn's novels

message 44: by Dana (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dana An amazing review

Amanda Dingman my thoughts exactly 😂

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