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Ceecee's Reviews > Ghost Wall

Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss
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4-5 stars

It’s a hot summer in Northumberland (yes, it can happen). Silvie, her parents, some students and their professor set up a camp to try to live like Iron Age hunter gatherers as an archeological experience. This is a beautifully written story which draws on the stunning surroundings to create a very atmospheric tale.

Silvie and Molly, one of the students, are interesting characters. Silvie is controlled by her brute of a father but he can’t control her thoughts. Molly is a free spirit who challenges Silvie to break away and she also challenges Silvie’s father Bill, especially his ideas of gender roles. Bill is awful and much more suited to an authoritarian 19th Century figure than the 1990’s in which the story is set. This provides intriguing possibilities in the storyline but what unfolds is dark and at times harrowing. Some of the images conjured up are amazing especially the Ghost Wall that they construct. My one criticism is the end is rather abrupt, otherwise an excellent read.
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January 5, 2020 – Started Reading
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Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Great review Ceecee! 🤩 Glad you enjoyed!

message 2: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Another great review, Ceecee!!

Ceecee A really good short(ish) story. Thank you Suzy 😊

Ceecee Thank you very much Deanna 🤗

message 5: by Julie (new)

Julie Excellent review, Ceecee!! I need to get started on this one! 😊💖😊

message 6: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Terrific review, Ceecee! 🙋♥

message 7: by Ann (new)

Ann Sounds an interesting concept, fantastic review, Ceecee.

message 8: by Paromjit (new)

Paromjit Fabulous review, atmospheric! 🌼💛

Ceecee I think you’ll like it - very different! Thank you Julie ❤️

Ceecee Thank you Mary Beth 😊

Ceecee Thanks Ann it was 😊

Ceecee Thank you Paromjit 🥰😘

message 13: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro "It’s a hot summer in Northumberland (yes, it can happen)"
You made me chuckle on your very first line, Ceecee, you funster!

Ceecee Can’t help myself Kevin 😂

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