Bjørn's Reviews > Smuggler's Fortune

Smuggler's Fortune by Angela Boord
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it was amazing

When I read the first book in the series, Fortune's Fool, I originally gave it four stars, because I found the young Kyrra irritating – not unlikeable, just irritating, and if it weren't for the double timeline there would be a chance of me not finishing the book. As I progressed, I became more and more immersed in the world – Ms Boord does an impeccable job at worldbuilding. Then I finished, reviewed the book, gave it four stars and moved on. Except I didn't actually move on, because I found myself nearly obsessing about what would happen next.

This novella (or rather short novel) was a freebie with the newsletter and, frankly, I think Ms Boord is a bit insane to give it away for free. I didn't really read this book as much as I ate it in two sittings – I looked at the first sentence, thought it was amazing, put it up here in my feed, then two days ago started actually reading and found myself angry that I had to go to sleep. Smuggler's Fortune has no right to be THIS good. I didn't realise how much I missed the grown-up Kyrra and how invested I was in the fates of *no spoiler*. The only part I found confusing was a certain scene in the final battle – there is no way to explain this without a spoiler – but it wasn't bad either, just confusing and not important enough to affect my love for this book.

The only problem is that now I am waiting for the "proper" follow-up to Fortune's Fool even more than before. I bow to Ms Boord for writing so fast and so good with nine kids – I have zero kids and couldn't do such a great job – but I NEED IT NOW. Fortune's Fool was already among my favourite books of 2019, this one is like getting an unexpected, lovely present when you know you're going to get a life-changing one in half a year.

In case I didn't gush enough, I couldn't recommend this book more.

PS. I have man-crushes on almost all male characters AND a sis-crush on Kyrra. There's a really good romance hiding underneath all the magic and swordfights.
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Reading Progress

December 29, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
December 29, 2019 – Shelved
January 3, 2020 –
page 0
0.0% "I'm a collector of great first sentences – here's one that *definitely* made me want to read the next:

A week after I returned to Liera, after the wars had ended, a group of men tried to cut off my right arm in a back alley."
January 7, 2020 – Started Reading
January 7, 2020 –
January 8, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Angela (new) - added it

Angela Boord Lol Thanks, Bjorn!!

message 2: by Krystle (new)

Krystle 😂 I love all of this

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