simran's Reviews > Devious Lies

Devious Lies by Parker S. Huntington
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's review

it was ok

2. 5 stars

The fault in this book lies in the fact that it's unnecessarily way too long.... over 300 pages could easily have been edited out and the story could've progressed better. the other downfall was the lack of conflict in the book, for a book that's 700 pages long the plot was the most simplistic predictable shit ever... i was literally bored in certain instances and read further only because I wanted to stick around for the conclusion cause I was already in too deep knowing and predicting full well what's gonna happen and voila it did cause that's how predictable the plot was.

now on to the characters, they were interesting but didn't keep me on my toes or made me love them as a book should... I've read shit ton of books where the plot is meh but the characters are lit and this book missed on both the accounts.

all in all a very disappointing read.
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Reading Progress

December 17, 2019 – Started Reading
December 17, 2019 – Shelved
December 17, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
December 19, 2019 –
30.0% "it's slow but then it's 700 pages so not at all surprised 😐"
December 20, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-1 of 1 (1 new)

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Robyn I’m struggling with this one! Emery’s convo with the ceiling has just about done me in...but I’m 82% along. Like you, I’m waiting for some kind of worth while conclusion...

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