Stacey's Reviews > Wild, Wild Rake

Wild, Wild Rake by Janna MacGregor
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bookshelves: arc, angry-fix, douchewaffles-galore, historical-series, if-this-guy-was-real

The second times the charm for our unlucky heroine…

When your confidence has been knocked, it’s hard to gain it back again. It’s amazing how quickly you start to doubt yourself and your abilities when someone attacks your core. That core could be the one thing you “thought” was your shining light. It could also be the one thing you are most leaves you the most vulnerable. Reading Wild, Wild Rake was like a revisit to my own vulnerabilities. I know what it’s like to have my shining light dimmed and my vulnerabilities exposed. I guess I just needed a reminder like Avalon did, that I am loved and admired by the people that count…family.

I really enjoyed reading Wild, Wild Rake but admit to struggling a little with parts of the story. Avalon’s history is not at all pleasant and at our first introduction, I was heartbroken with what she was living through. I even admit to disliking Devan for a wee while there even with his attempts to check on Avalon’s welfare. I know that the beauty of a romance is that we will eventually get to a happy place, but these initial horrors always leave me bereft that there is no hope.

Geez, it absolutely cracks me up that I can so easily forget that romance stories always leave me happy. I suffer every heartbreak, attack and humiliation like it’s the bloody end of the world. But, then, this is proof of a good story, in my opinion. Obviously, if I can forget so easily, the author has done a good job.

I absolutely loved the growth shown in both Avalon and Devan. Avalon needs to let the barriers down so people who are trying to help can do so without feeling the bite of her icy demeanour. Devan needs to be true to himself and fight for what he truly believes in. Both Devan and Avalon also needed to communicate their thoughts and feelings a little more, not just with each other, but their loved ones.

Wild, Wild Rake was surprisingly passionate and sexy. Yes, the title has wild and rake in it but, we’re talking about a Vicar. Wild and Rake are not the words I automatically think of attached to a Vicar, let alone passionate or sexy. I’m Catholic so it’s hard for me to even think a man of God in these ways. I even admit to trying to forget the church side of things and think of Devan as a very good man who likes to help people. (I’m such a shocker!!)

My favourite part of this story was definitely Devan’s devotion to Avalon’s happiness. While I appreciated this devotion, I was quickly becoming frustrated with Avalon’s doubts. Sure, I get where she was coming from and all the doubts she had, but it was OBVIOUS Devan loved her. I’m glad that neither of them gave up or even considered walking away.

If you’re looking for a good historical romance, where second time’s the charm for this unlucky heroine, I highly recommend giving Wild, Wild Rake a try. You will not be disappointed with the hero, he absolutely deserves the title of hero and wears his cape…I mean vestments, well.

Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
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November 24, 2019 – Shelved
January 19, 2020 – Started Reading
January 25, 2020 – Finished Reading

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