Cindy's Reviews > A Court of Wings and Ruin

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
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's review

it was ok

Maybe I’m on crack but I was surprised to find this book better than the first 2. The pacing was better, the side characters had more roles and personality, and I appreciate that Feyre and Rhysand were depicted as a power couple that were both supporting and challenging each other. That being said, the writing is still a hot mess, but at least it was kinda funny (i.e. the excessive usage of mating bonds, the random gay monologue at the end, the haphazardly rushed conclusion, etc.)
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October 14, 2019 – Started Reading
October 14, 2019 – Shelved
October 15, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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Aida I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY YOU'RE READING THIS!! Can't wait for the review 😂😂😂

Andrew Oh my god, review... we must prepare ourselves for the dick jokes

Jenna Hackeman “Maybe I’m on crack, BUT,”


message 4: by EdRafael (new)

EdRafael Hm yeah you must have definitely be high on something when reading this 😂 we still love you (tell us who your dealer is) but don't overdue drugs! (we can do drugs together)

Vanessa (The Wolf & Her Books) Okay now ACOFAS for Christmas. 😂

message 6: by Eva (new) - rated it 1 star

Eva B. Ooooh, will your review talk about the retcons??

Jesse Reads Love your channel, your videos always make my day! Hope that you do a full review of this!

message 8: by Laura (new)

Laura This was my least favorite in the series because of the excruciatingly slow pacing and the constant talking about all the shit that was about to go down but then barely having a feasible climax scene. I hope you make a full review because your reviews are HILARIOUS and I'll be interested to hear what you have to say about this one.

luna ☾ This makes so much sense to me. For people like me who liked the character-driven 2nd book, the 3rd book fell a bit flat. But for people like Cindy who didn't really care for Book 2, Book 3 was better.

There we go. I figured out the science of it all lol

Дес Ананиева Just admit it... There are more sex and that's why you like it more 😂

message 11: by lori (new)

lori maybe it's because all the covers and the titles look and sound the same but i could've sworn you've already read this and made a video on it

Anika Bushra For me the second book was better than the other two. This one was just bombarded with sex scenes ( which isn’t a bad thing when you’re in that mood)

Emma (bookish.gemma) you are on crack lmao, first one was least worse and then it went downhill

Cassie Now read A court of frost and starlight, you’re so gonna love it 👀

message 15: by Eva (new) - rated it 1 star

Eva B. Twixie wrote: "you are on crack lmao, first one was least worse and then it went downhill"


message 16: by Raf (new) - added it

Raf *finds book better than the last* *rates it 2 stars* Cindy you will forever be my queen, can’t wait for this review 👏😂

Crystal Rayne Ooooo personally i was not a fan of the pacing. It was EXCRUCIATINGLY SLOW and a lot of it felt like filler if im being honest. The 3rd book took the longest for me to get through

message 18: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Calderón Дес wrote: "Just admit it... There are more sex and that's why you like it more 😂"

Obviously, why else will we read all this? for the plot? pffff
Me after watching the video ... Cyndy is a telepath.

Historical Dolls Alice Tamlin breathed liked it was an— attack! Attack!

I made an— obscene gesture.

message 20: by Alex (new) - rated it 2 stars

Alex Lloyd This was the only book I have ever thrown in pure frustration lol

Rayven not to burst your bubble but...shes making another one

Mariam I found it more enjoyable than the first two books, at least until feyre made it back to Rhys and friends.

message 23: by D (new) - rated it 1 star

D Omg the random gay ending was so boring

message 24: by Nashata (new)

Nashata Parker Girl I feel the same way 😭😭, honestly though the only thing I liked about this book was Lucien man got me in a chokehold 🥲

Alexandra You’re not on crack. The book was good and by that I mean that I, at least, had fun reading it. Get over yourself🙂. Can’t wait for your books to come out btw!😝

Arielle Marie “Random gay monologue” sent me lmao

message 27: by anna (new) - rated it 3 stars



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