Tom's Reviews > The Honourable Company: a History of the English East India Company

The Honourable Company by John Keay
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M 50x66
's review

it was ok

This book tries to cover a lot of ground, not entirely successfully. In the interest of detail, we sacrifice narrative flow; apparently in the interests of accessibility we sacrifice much depth of financial analysis. A bit rambling and discursive for me. I think it might have benefited hugely from a lot of the material being relegated to footnotes or endnotes; keeping track of every player from major to minor, along with a dozen or more locations (frequently changing hands and/or names) is very difficult. Of course, some of that is the fault of reality, which isn't particularly tidy, but still.
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June 4, 2019 – Started Reading
June 14, 2019 – Shelved
June 14, 2019 – Finished Reading

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