Chelsea (chelseadolling reads)'s Reviews > The Last True Poets of the Sea

The Last True Poets of the Sea by Julia Drake
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites

I'm gonna sound so cheesy, but this book rooted itself into my heart and I will never, ever let it go. From the friendships to the sibling bonds to the queerness, this was just everything I've ever wanted in a book and more. It’s set in a small seaside town in Maine and was like a mix of Summer of Salt, Wild Blue Wonder, and everything Ashley Herring Blake has ever written and I JUST LOVED IT SO MUCH AND MY HEART IS SO FUCKING FULL. Brb while I go pre-order my brother a copy and cry bc FEELINGS 😭

TW: suicide, disordered eating, alcohol abuse, the open ocean
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Reading Progress

June 2, 2019 – Shelved
June 2, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
August 28, 2019 – Started Reading
August 29, 2019 –
13.0% "I have to put this down to start work for the day and I am UPSET. THIS IS SO GOOD ALL I WANT TO DO IT READDDDDDDDD"
August 29, 2019 –
22.0% "If this goes anywhere near where I'm hoping it'll go, this could very well be one of my new all-time favorite books. oh my lanta PLEASE GO THERE OFKJSFDLJHSAF"
August 30, 2019 –
45.0% "I am OBSESSED with this book."
September 6, 2019 –
70.0% "i can't fucking brEATHE dsfkjosakjmfds"
September 6, 2019 – Shelved as: favorites
September 6, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Sarah (new) - added it

Sarah I'm actually here to add this book to my TBR after watching you gush about it on YouTube 😂

message 2: by CJ (new)

CJ Mentioned: friendships, sibling bonds, and queerness, and I don't need to know any more! I added it to my TBR

message 3: by Selena (new)

Selena Adorable review Chelsea!

Lady Willpower You had me at Summer of Salt. 😀 I've requested this from the library.

Emily Corcuera This description is exactly how I feel about it too!!

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