Amy's Reviews > A Reluctant Bride

A Reluctant Bride by Jody Hedlund
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it was amazing

So much love for this incredible book, the start of the ‘Bride Ships’ series by Jody Hedlund.

Let’s just start by saying, yet again, she seems to be able to root out a piece of little known history and create something amazing out of it. I’d never heard of the Bride Ships, and it fascinates me. The journey alone takes a 1/3 of a year. Such an epic voyage to take to get from England to Vancouver Island. What’s more telling is the desperation of so many to leave all you’ve ever known to start fresh - knowing that marriage to a complete stranger awaited you at the end.

I literally lost sleep over this book. It was so hard to put down. The characters were so expertly written, they felt real inside my head. You will live & breathe every experience with them. Both Joseph & Mercy are complex and their situation - one of the biggest taboo’s of the cultural day. Joseph being from the highest of aristocracy, and Mercy from the lowest rung of the dirt poor ladder. How could their lives even cross? Yet, they do, and this story is beautiful, intense & tender.

You will find yourself fighting for them with every obstacle and challenge they face. Of course each is strong enough to live life alone, but together they make a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Can not wait, for what comes next.

Thanks to Bethany House for the complimentary copy. This is my honest review.
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Reading Progress

May 14, 2019 – Started Reading
May 14, 2019 – Shelved
May 17, 2019 – Finished Reading

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