Jenny's Reviews > Big Bunny Bump Off

Big Bunny Bump Off by Kathi Daley
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it was amazing

"Big Bunny Bump Off " is book five in the Zoe Donovan Mystery. After a busy day at the Zoo, Zeo was delivering copies of her friend's menus to the bank who was out of town at the time. However, on the arrive, Zoe, found the bank manager dead. At first, the sheriff blames her father which made Zoe decided to investigate. The readers of "Big Bunny Bump Off" will continue to follow Zoe too see what happens.

"Big Bunny Bump Off" is the first book I have read by Kathi Daley, an.d I enjoyed reading it. I love the way Kathi Daley portrayed her characters and their reactions to each other. At times I had to laugh with the characters and their actions. Big Bunny Bump Off was well written and researched by Kathi Daley. I like the way, Kathi Daley describes her settings that allow me to engage with the plot of "Big Bunny Bump Off."

The readers of "Big Bunny Bump Off" will learn about running a wild and domestic animal control, rescue and rehabilitation centre. Also, the readers of "Big Bunny Bump Off" will learn about pet adoptions.

I recommend this book.
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Reading Progress

April 12, 2019 – Started Reading
April 13, 2019 – Finished Reading
April 15, 2019 – Shelved

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