Betül's Reviews > Twisted Bonds

Twisted Bonds by Cora Reilly
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really liked it
bookshelves: 2019, arc, organized-crime, romance, reviewed

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


"Sometimes I feel like my insides are a raging flood of emotions when I look at you, but I don't mind drowning."

Twisted Bonds is a (full-length) continuation of Nino and Kiara's story, which was told in Twisted Emotions. One of my remarks for that book was that I didn't feel that the story was complete and I wanted more development for the characters. So I was very happy that this book was focusing on that couple again. There was still a lot that I wanted for this couple, so I was really excited to see how everything would develop further for them. Twisted Bonds was a great addition to The Camorra Chronicles. I loved seeing how every character was doing and handling all the good and bad from the previous books. The family aspect was strong on the foreground and I enjoyed seeing how the brothers got through things from the past. I liked getting to know Adamo and Savio better in this book, and it really has me excited for their books. The relationship beween Nina and Kiara transformed in this book, and I especially loved seeing Kiara grow stronger.

"All of us have experienced horrors in our past but we'll create a beautiful future together."

Twisted Bonds was suspenseful, romantic, sexy, emotional, funny, and it pretty much had everything I enjoy in mafia romances. I am really happy that Cora decided to continue with Nino and Kiara's story. It finally feels complete. They go through a lot in this book but they never lose sight of what is important in life. I loved seeing the dynamics change between the brothers and I look forward to seeing what will happen next. I am satisfied with how everything worked out in this book. Nowadays I don't read a lot of mafia romances, but I will never pass up on a book written by Cora Reilly. I am dedicated and feel a connection to her characters, and always look forward to seeing how they are doing.
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Reading Progress

April 12, 2019 – Shelved
April 12, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
August 19, 2019 – Started Reading
August 19, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
August 19, 2019 – Shelved as: arc
August 19, 2019 – Shelved as: organized-crime
August 19, 2019 – Shelved as: romance
August 22, 2019 – Shelved as: reviewed
August 22, 2019 – Finished Reading

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