Mert's Reviews > Black Clover, Vol. 11
Black Clover, Vol. 11 (11)
3/5 Stars (%57/100)
The whole fight against Ladros and Fana was a huge MEH. The only thing good about this volume is the ending (last 2 chapters). Vanessa's new power is super broken and interesting in my opinion. Imagine if you combine it with Charmy's magic *wink*. The ending made me curious otherwise the rating would be even lower. Not a great volume, especially this cliche and mediocre shonen fight.
The whole fight against Ladros and Fana was a huge MEH. The only thing good about this volume is the ending (last 2 chapters). Vanessa's new power is super broken and interesting in my opinion. Imagine if you combine it with Charmy's magic *wink*. The ending made me curious otherwise the rating would be even lower. Not a great volume, especially this cliche and mediocre shonen fight.
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