Mohammed Sheikh's Reviews > The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed by Jack Higgins
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it was amazing
bookshelves: thriller, english-england

The eagle has landed is a thriller novel by English writer Jack Higgins.

Recently a commando named Otto Skorzeny has rescued Benito Mussolini from Italy's highly secured jail. This success has now made Hitler much more ambitious, now he wants England's prime minister Winston Churchill. A mission directly ordered by Hitler himself and commanded by Heinrich Himmler led by Kurt Steiner and IRA gunmen Liam devlin.

England's prime minister is coming to quite village called studley constable. This information is intercepted by a spy residing at the studely constable. Once The SS were calculating the probability of success of this mission they find it very much possible.

One of the best novel i have read based on the second world war.the story was gripping, fast paced what i loved most about a thriller.You will also find how the Nazis blackmailed the military personnel's in order to obtain there goals. This story will also change your view point about the Germans military roles at that time, this is also help you to think from another point of view.You will also find the sacrifice, passion and love for there own country, how were lives in that time. And a little twist also at the end of the story.

The eagle has landed(Liam Devlin #1 )

Author : Jack Higgins

Rating: 9.2/10


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Reading Progress

February 24, 2019 – Started Reading
February 24, 2019 – Shelved
March 3, 2019 – Shelved as: thriller
March 3, 2019 – Finished Reading
October 24, 2019 – Shelved as: english-england

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