McKinlay's Reviews > Kiss Number 8

Kiss Number 8 by Colleen A.F. Venable
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did not like it
bookshelves: 2019, comics-and-graphic-novels, queer

*I received an ARC of this book from netgalley and the publisher. This does not affect my review.*

DNF at page 166

TW: transphobia

I’m genuinely baffled why this has such good reviews that call it “light hearted.” I was annoyed basically from the start. Mads is incredibly disrespectful toward her parents, ESPECIALLY her mom, who she repeatedly calls a bitch AND doesn’t tell her friend to NOT talk about her mom. I get not liking your mom, but there’s a line, okay? You don’t let your friends call your mom a bitch. You just don’t!

That wasn’t the worst offense though. There are some seriously transphobic comments made by the MC’s dad. Like, i think it could be really harmful to trans teens, and children of trans parents. Because I quit, I don’t know if he came around but after Mads’ “best friend” outted the trans character I was done.

I think if this book wasn't marketed as like a cute coming of age queer graphic novel, I would maybe have been less frustrated. But the back of this book makes it seem like it's just a girl kind of realizing she might like girls. That is definitely NOT what I took from it.

0/10 do not recommend.
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Reading Progress

February 3, 2019 – Started Reading
February 3, 2019 – Shelved
February 3, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
February 3, 2019 – Shelved as: comics-and-graphic-novels
February 3, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
February 3, 2019 – Shelved as: queer
February 3, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Liz (new) - rated it 5 stars

Liz I think you should finish the book.

🌈 I second what Liz said.

Angela ♡ The book itself is not transphobic, if you read until the end you’d understand the book more. It’s not light hearted in any way, but it brings up issues that LGBTQ people face in their lives, and it gets better. The dad was basically brainwashed by his horrible dad and the author makes it clear that it is NOT okay in any way. I

Angela ♡ Plus her relationship with her mom gets A LOT better

message 5: by sexology (new)

sexology smith I’m sorry... You have this a one star review because you didn’t like how disrespectful the character was in the BEGINNING, how the author only included transphobic comments to show how awful people of faith can be without the actual faith dictating them to do so, and because you didn’t like how it was marketed? None of these are good reasons for such a low review.

Also, you have clearly not finished the book. The mother and the daughter’s relationship get much better. Plus, some of the disrespectful ness towards the mom is actually kind of normal in teenage life . . . which I would know, as a teenager. I’m genuinely surprised that made you so angry.

I’m sorry, but writing a character as transphobic or homophobic does not necessarily make the work itself transphobic or homophobic. The whole point of the book is that there are people who are transphobic and homophobic. It’s just meant to show what people legitimately experience in their life, not actually be transphobic or homophobic.

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