Lusine Goroyan's Reviews > The Face of Another

The Face of Another by Kōbō Abe
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, read-in-english, science-fiction-fantasy

I don't even know what to say... I enjoyed every sentence of this book. This is by far one of the best books I've ever read.
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Quotes Lusine Liked

Kōbō Abe
“You don't need me. What you really need is a mirror. Because any stranger is for you simply a mirror in which to reflect yourself. I don't ever again want to return to such a desert of mirrors.”
Kōbō Abe, The Face of Another

Kōbō Abe
“So nothing will ever be written down again. Perhaps the act of writing is necessary only when nothing happens.”
Kōbō Abe, The Face of Another

Kōbō Abe
“How wonderful it would be, frankly, if everybody in the world would suddenly lose his sight or forget the existence of light. Immediately, there would be agreement about form. Everybody would accept the fact that a loaf of bread is a loaf of bread whether triangular or round. The girl a little while ago would have kept her eyes shut and listened to my voice. If she had, perhaps we could have become friendly and I could have taken her to the playground and we could have eaten ice cream together. Just because there was light, she heedlessly thought that a triangular loaf of bread was not bread but a triangle. This thing called light is itself transparent, but it apparently changes into something nontransparent.”
Kōbō Abe, The Face of Another

Kōbō Abe
“I wanted to get close to you, and at the same time to stay away from you. I wanted to know you, and at the same time I resisted that knowing. I wanted to look at you and at the same time felt ashamed to look. My state of suspension was such that the crevice between us grew deeper and deeper, and holding the broken glass together with my two hands, I barely preserved its form.”
Kōbō Abe, The Face of Another

Reading Progress

January 23, 2019 – Started Reading
January 23, 2019 – Shelved
January 26, 2019 –
page 36
15.13% "After all, wouldn't the meaning of the mask be completely negated, now matter how skillfully it was constructed, if I wore one identical to myself?"
February 14, 2019 –
page 168
70.59% "Suddenly the mask and I became one, and there was no "other one" to be jealous of. If it was I myself who was touching you, than it was I too who was being touched by you, and there was no need to falter."
February 16, 2019 –
page 224
94.12% "You don't need me. What you really need is a mirror. Because any stranger is for you simply a mirror in which to reflect yourself. I don't ever want to return to such a desert of mirrors."
February 16, 2019 – Shelved as: favorites
February 16, 2019 – Shelved as: read-in-english
February 16, 2019 – Finished Reading
December 8, 2020 – Shelved as: science-fiction-fantasy

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