Purcheria's Reviews > In Her Sights

In Her Sights by Robin Perini
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bookshelves: contemporary, books-on-my-kobo

3.5 stars

I enjoyed the story, I really did.

The reason why this did not quite make the four star mark for me was because I got soooo sick of the constant mental torture to be in bed with each other. It's like EVERY TIME they saw each other they thought about how much they wanted to kiss each other, or jump in the sack with each other. Even when his brother was in the HOSPITAL, that's what he was thinking about!!
We know that they have a thing for each other, but damn, it did not have to get shoved down our throats so much and so often???.

Other than that, like I said, the story was good and the end was satisfying...if not a tad predictable.
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Reading Progress

January 18, 2012 – Started Reading
January 18, 2012 – Shelved
January 18, 2012 – Shelved as: contemporary
January 22, 2012 – Shelved as: books-on-my-kobo
January 22, 2012 – Finished Reading

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