Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader's Reviews > The Gown

The Gown by Jennifer Robson
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5 stars to this story of strength and friendship! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Happy New Year to all my Goodreads friends! 🥳 🎉 🥂

Told in three voices over two time periods, The Gown is a stunning story.

In 1947 London, knee deep in a harsh winter with heavy rationing, the war has left its indelible mark. Ann Hughes and Miriam Dassin are embroiderers working at the famous Mayfair owned by Norman Hartnell. Why is Hartnell famous? For designing clothing for the princesses. And what is the assignment of the 20th century that has befallen them? Making none other than future Queen Elizabeth’s wedding gown.

In Toronto present day, Heather Mackenzie has found a set of embroidered flowers passed down from her beloved late grandmother. Heather discovers the flowers look much like those on Queen Elizabeth’s gown, and she wants to know why. She also uncovers a connection between her grandmother and Norman Hartnell who was known to have designed the Queen’s wedding dress.

The Gown is a well-researched work of historical fiction. The detail kept me entranced and also had me googling and yearning to know more. The friendship that forms between Anne and Miriam is tenderly drawn, and the emotional bonds and healing that resulted from that relationship is awe-inspiring.

I didn’t expect to be as absorbed in The Gown as I was. It can be hard to focus during the holidays, and my mind was in so many places. It served as a wonderful reminder of why I read historical fiction; to be transported to a different time and place and to learn. The Gown is an exquisite story of strength and friendship from start to finish. Highly recommended!

Thank you to the publisher for the complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

My reviews can also be found on my blog:
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Reading Progress

December 13, 2018 – Started Reading
December 13, 2018 – Shelved
December 31, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by KAS (new)

KAS Gorgeous review, dearest friend!! Sure love the amazing cover. So glad this read transported you to different place! Sure is cheaper than a plane ticket, lol ;) Hope you are having a wonderful New Years Eve!!! 🎉🥂🎉

Erin Great review Jennifer! I loved this book too!

message 3: by Linda (new)

Linda Happy New Year, Jennifer! Great review. :)

message 4: by Miriam (new)

Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings) Excellent review Jennifer, sounds an intriguing book. 😊

message 5: by Felicia (new)

Felicia Terrific review, Jennifer 💖

message 6: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Wonderful review Jennifer!

Celia Wow Jennifer. I'm convinced to read it too. Happy New Year to you too. 😘

message 8: by Nazanin (new)

Nazanin Terrific review, Jennifer! Glad you loved this Royal Wedding! 💕

message 9: by Julie (new)

Julie I've had my eye on this one! Excellent review, Jennifer!! 😊😊

message 10: by Misty (new)

Misty Lovely review! This is going straight to my 2019 Need to Read list!

Angela M is taking a break. Lovely review, Jennifer. It’s so good to like a book more than we expected.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Terrific review, Jennifer! Happy New Year and Happy Reading in 2019!

message 13: by DeAnn (new) - added it

DeAnn Heartful review Jennifer, you make me want to read this one!! Happy New Year!

Marialyce Very anxious to read this book! Wonderful review as always!

message 15: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Sounds enchanting, Jennifer. Great review :)

message 16: by Nadia (new) - added it

Nadia Great review Jennifer, thank you. Sounds wonderful. 😊🌺🌸🍀📚💕

message 17: by Lynn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lynn Great review!

Celia 1.99 today on Kindle. Thanks again for the compelling review Jennifer TH

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