Judah Radd's Reviews > Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage

Spider-Man by Tom DeFalco
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bookshelves: marvel-comics

What to say.


So... listen. You have to really like cornball Marvel shit to like this.

Here are some excerpts;

Black Cat: “It aint over till the cat lady springs!”

Carnage: “You know what they say... no pain, no reign... of terror, that is”


The story is fast paced and fun. The combat is constant. The emotional beats are sometimes powerful, and sometimes they fall very, very flat.

The end is a little too koombiyah for my tastes. Seriously... it’s one of those “the greatest power is love” kind of deals 🤮. The second act is pretty damn dark.

Venom is a bonefied badass. Carnage and Shriek are awesome characters... imagine an angrier and more powerful version of Joker and Harley Quinn.

Also, for some reason, the Spiderman doppelgänger from Starlin’s Infinity Wars is here. Why? ::shrug:: I dunno. But there he is.

Cloak and Dagger also play a large role. I like them, even if Cloak looks really fuckin dumb.

Now here’s the weird part; Marvel had this character. His name is Nightwatch... he randomly appeared in this story and I shit you not, he is a pound for pound ripoff of Spawn. Like... down to the costume and the cape that thinks for itself. It’s bizarre. How could they think we wouldn’t notice?

There are a couple laughs, some great fights... I only recommend this for people who have a high threshold for early 90s comic book nonsense. If you like serious, thought provoking, artistic shit... go ahead and skip this shit show. If you don’t mind having some mindless fun, have at it!
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Reading Progress

October 15, 2018 – Started Reading
October 16, 2018 – Finished Reading
October 17, 2018 – Shelved
December 1, 2018 – Shelved as: marvel-comics

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message 1: by Doh (new) - rated it 3 stars

Doh This review is spot on. The spawn rip off is hilarious

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