Krystal gaston's Reviews > Rescued by the Captain

Rescued by the Captain by Laura A. Barnes
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Rescued by the Captain written by Laura A Barnes. I liked the story more than I thought I would, this is not my normal genre. Ivy and Thorn have a unique relationship, you get flashbacks from when they were younger growing up together that shows how their relationship was and the closeness that had even when they were younger. Thorn is a stubborn “manly man” he’s the captain he was in the military and he is full of secrets, including his feelings for Ivy that he has kept to himself. When friends become possible enemies, secrets get revealed and lives are at stake can Thorn over come it all and move forward with Ivy.

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Reading Progress

August 15, 2018 – Started Reading
August 15, 2018 – Shelved
August 15, 2018 – Finished Reading

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