Nikki's Reviews > Lucinda's Secret

Lucinda's Secret by Tony DiTerlizzi
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** spoiler alert ** This was very exciting! I enjoyed going to the hospital and meeting the not-at-all-crazy Aunt Lucinda. I do hope that, in the end, the children and Aunt Lucinda can reveal the fairy world and let everyone (primarily their family) know the truth. I enjoyed meeting the elves in the forest, and, while I was not surprised at the reveal that Arthur is still alive, I think it's very exciting. I am loving this series and appreciate that not only does it have a great story that adults can appreicate, but that it is told so specifically for children. There are some children's books (i.e. the latter in the "HP" series) that I think require a lot of consideration about what age-group they are appropriate for. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with books with heavier/serious/darker/more mature content, but I think it's good and fun for kids to also have well-written books they can just jump right into at any age.
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June 19, 2008 – Shelved

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