Barb 's Reviews > Here and Now and Then

Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen
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it was amazing

*NetGalley ARC
Kin Stewart experiences every time traveler’s worst fear; he becomes trapped in a time that is not his own. In 2142, Kin’s job is to travel back in time to thwart time-corrupting crimnals who try to alter the course of history. Tragically, on his 28th assignment, something goes terribly wrong, and he his unable to jump from 1996 back to his real life in 2142. With no choice but to adapt and assimilate into the 20th-21st century, Kin builds a new life, marries, and becomes a father-only to have this new life ripped from him when a visitor from The Bureau contacts him 18 years later and forces him to return to the future where he belongs.
I loved this book and Mike Chen’s astoundingly brilliant imagination. His details of future technologies and mindsets are amazing as he takes the reader on a truly futurist journey. Despite the sci-fi setting, his characters remain very realistic and believable. A father’s pain and unconditional love for his child transcend all time, and we are all behind Kin as he defies “the rules” to give his 21st century daughter the life she deserves.
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Reading Progress

August 4, 2018 – Started Reading
August 6, 2018 – Shelved
August 7, 2018 – Finished Reading

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