RoseBane (Jess)'s Reviews > The Stranger

The Stranger by Harlan Coben
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I just found out that there’s a Netflix TV show based on this book, and I loved this book so much and I'm not sure whether to scream or cry 😭😭😭
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June 7, 2018 – Started Reading
June 7, 2018 – Shelved
June 7, 2018 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Nice review Jess. I know how you feel Lisa. I refuse to watch Outlander for the same reason. I saw a commercial for the series; Jamie and Claire don't look anything like my imagination so I prefer to read the books and skip the show. I sometimes watch a show when the book is a stand alone and not a series.

message 2: by Patricia (new) - added it

Patricia Williams I've read all the Outlander books and I love the series. I just love to see characters I enjoy coming to life and I think the people who play them are perfect. I'm watching The Stranger on Netflix but have not read the book. It's very good and Harlan Coben is involved in the movie.

Vicky I have read other books but not this one, I did see the Netflix series and I loved it! Again I have not read the book, but the series is great! It might be different than the book so it might not spoil the ending :-)

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