Felicia's Reviews > Leviathan Wakes

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: sci-fi

I've been gorking out on Urban Fantasy and Romance lately, so mixing it with a FANTASTIC Space Opera was JUST what I needed!

I loved this book because in a lot of ways it humanized a BIG SF world in a way that is normally tough. I cared about the characters, I yelled at them a lot, and I enjoyed every minute! It felt modern and current, and created a really believable world that I wanted to live in and learn about. The politics of Earth vs Mars vs the Fringers, the mystery and vaguely noir-ish subplot...really REALLY good. I recommend to anyone who enjoys Sci-Fi!

And I guess it's part of a future trilogy? Yum!

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Started Reading
November 29, 2011 – Shelved
November 29, 2011 – Shelved as: sci-fi
November 29, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-40 of 40 (40 new)

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message 1: by Carolyn (new) - added it

Carolyn Crane Oooh, this sounds good. I love the idea of a humanized-feeling SF world...and vaguely noir-ish subplots.

Kevin Just added it to my Amazon wish list.

Honestly, the only sci fi I''ve ever read that (to my knowledge) qualifies as "space opera" is the Lensmen Series by E.E. "Doc" Smith. I sort of have the impression that he actually invented the space opera. I could be wrong.

Thank you for the recommendation.

And, while I'm at it, thank you for being Penny in Dr. Horrible. :)


message 3: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Abraham Glad to hear it worked for you. I think the second one's better. :)

Kevin Daniel -

Can I ask the name of the second book in the series?



message 5: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Abraham Kevin: Caliban's War. I think the release date's June 2012.

Kevin Daniel - just to make sure I'm clear: you've already read the second book,and you're recommending it?


message 7: by James (new) - added it

James Corey Actually, Daniel and I are the authors. So you can trust him on this one.

The second book is finished, edited, and sitting at the Orbit offices waiting to be made into books. I also think it's better than the first one.

Also, geeking a bit that Felicia read and liked our book.

message 8: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Abraham Kevin: Actually, I wrote (half of) the second book, and I think we got better after having the first one under our belt. Not that I think poorly of Leviathan.

message 9: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Abraham James: I don't know that being one of the authors means you can trust me.

message 10: by James (new) - added it

James Corey Well, you can be trusted on the date, anyway.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks for creating such a rad series, guys. Eagerly awaiting Caliban's War.

message 12: by James (new) - added it

James Corey Thanks for the kind words, Morgan. We're struggling through writing the third book right now, so encouragement is greatly appreciated!

Kevin Daniel - wow. Thanks for the info. Both are on my Amazon list now.

Much appreciated.


message 14: by Blayne (new)

Blayne Watt Sending a sample to my kindle. Probably my next read after I finish The Alloy of Law. Thank you, Felicia. Always a great source of a new book :P

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

FYI, there's a short story set in this universe that's out. The Butcher of Anderson Station: A Story of The Expanse.

Might want to check that out. :)

David Brooke I loved the first one. Only wish the second wasn't so far away. Sniff...

message 17: by William (new)

William I'm geeked out by this comment thread; awesome!

Kevin William wrote: "I'm geeked out by this comment thread; awesome!"

Me, too. I was a little speechless when the dude who I thought somehow managed to snag an advanced copy of the book turned out to be one of the dudes who WROTE the book. It was mortifying and awesome all at the same time. :)

Grete And they are terrible teases! I need it now! ;)

Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did Felicia, I've been raving about it :)

message 20: by James (new) - added it

James Corey Grete wrote: "And they are terrible teases! I need it now! ;)

Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did Felicia, I've been raving about it :)"

And we love you for it, Grete.

Grete And we love you for it, Grete."

Ok you are forgiven for being teases! Scuse me while I blush and squee a bit *grin*

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

I really enjoyed this book as well, and I'm looking forward to Caliban's War. :-)

Jennie T. You forgot to mention the vomit zombies!!!!

message 24: by Dan F (new) - added it

Dan F Finally an epic SciFi worthy of the like of Dune & Star Wars, what we've all been waiting for!

Kevin If Daniel and James are still following this thread, I just wanted to let you know that, based on Felicia's recommendation, I just finished Leviathan Wakes and Caliban's War back-to-back, and I wrote a glowing review for Caliban's War, and gave both books five stars. I can't recommend them both highly enough - utterly gripping stories, and great characters. Avasarala was a particular favorite.

I eagerly await the third book. Thanks to you both. (And to Felicia!)

Frank Carter Currently reading Leviathan, and cannot easily put it down. Awesome so far!

Yupar Htay I started reading this morning and I finished this evening. One Day. That's enough to say that the book attracts me so

Spuggly I've never been a Sci fi reader but really enjoyed this book. great plot and loved the different story lines that link up. looking forward to reading the next in the series.

Michael Lufkin They're making it into a SyFy series! Quick, go get on the cast!

message 30: by Gary (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gary Moore I'm working on this book, and I'm just on chapter 3. I already love it!

Kevin Kelsey You actually have a part in the Syfy series for this don't you?

Faith Best thread ever!

Poiboy Kevin wrote: "You actually have a part in the Syfy series for this don't you?"

Kristine Just started the book; bought because I prefer to read books first that become series. Lifetime sciifi fan...who was thrilled to read comments from the authors!

Gavin David Woods I watched the TV series on Netflix recently (The Expanse) and thought it was fantastic. Had me gripped from beginning to end. That's how i discovered the books so reading this one now.

message 36: by Christopher (new) - added it

Christopher Russian What is gorking out

Oliver I haven't watched the TV series yet...is it as good as the books?

Michael Rudzki I'm not so sure I'd want to live in this version of our solar system, but it's certainly entertaining to visit! Especially knowing that I won't get any zombie vomit on me.

message 39: by Bird (new) - added it

Bird Mc cargar I love the word "gorking"!

message 40: by Seth (new) - rated it 3 stars

Seth Howard Come on now.

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