Oko's Reviews > Another Country

Another Country by James Baldwin
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it was amazing

I don't even know where to begin with Another Country.....

This book showed me myself in ways I had never imagined a book could....I mean talk about intense, raw, truth, hurt, love, booze, swinging, and every other action that connects all human beings...

I am 21 years old, and to think that December 10th if this year will mark the 50th Anniversary of this book is mind-blowing to me.

I first have to start with Rufus Scott....I have never had a character in fiction who was complex, and damaged that I could FEEL like this young man.....The funeral scene where the pastor is eulogizing Rufus is by far one of my most powerful moment's in reading I have had...I being a african American truly have been to funerals like this my life.

Now with the other person who I truly connected with was Eric....I found Eric to vulnerable, real, human...One of my most favorite quotes comes from Eric talking about his relationship with Yves, and how being homosexual in an era where that it was not accepted, and with that has the background he goes on talking about because of his desires, he found himself living a 'secret life' where he goes on to say to me one of the most profound life mantras..." The trouble with a secret life, is that it is frequently a secret from the person who lives it, and NEVER from people the person encounter."....

Love, Love, Love this Book.....

Thank You, Mr. Baldwin!
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message 1: by Elizabeth☮ (new)

Elizabeth☮ I love Baldwin and have read his biography, but too few of his books. I plan on tackling his entire repertoire in 2013.

Great review.

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