CaRo's Reviews > Hopelessly Devoted

Hopelessly Devoted by Bink Cummings
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Read 2 times. Last read April 8, 2018.

** spoiler alert ** Overall it was an okish series. Liked the writing but didn't like all the cheating, the fact that he got two women pregnant and some other parts.
And I know most of the readers are happy because the bitch is dead and the main character can keep the baby but for me it was a little obvious, sure they are going to kill her off or the baby is not his that is the two ways such stories go... Mainly I also disliked that even if the female main character bitched about how awful her ex is all the time she was hooked on an instant. And for me that is just not possible not after that "break up" he left her with two babies. I just don't think that you can get over such a "thing" even if he is hot. Sexual attraction doesn't equal all bullshit accepted.
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April 6, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
April 6, 2018 – Shelved
April 8, 2018 – Started Reading
April 8, 2018 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Danielle (new)

Danielle Mintz Agree I didn't like like how he jumped into being with someone when he had a family he walked away from. then to push it in her face no thank you I don't believe that he hasn't been intimate with the other women for away. Allows if he didn't lovee or feel anything for her why get with her only because she was pregnant. Yeah no we got three books that deals with this when it could have been taken care of in one book. Why the baby end up to be his is beyond me when it is made know she slept around allows why his family made him choose when they knew he was happy and had a family like what so many ways he could have took them with him. The plot long lost daughter was good the rest was trash.

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