Rosamund's Reviews > Cold Mountain

Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
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's review

it was ok

What an absolute abomination. The only thing that saves this from the doom of getting just one star is... well, at present I am even unable to think of that. Actually, I did laugh when Ada got attacked by a rooster. The books lacks a real story, is over-long, and whoever gave Mr Frazier a thesaurus should seriously reconsider their actions, because the excessive descriptions cause the reader to lose the will to live. Moreover: why, oh why, is it compared to The Odyssey? I fail to see how anyone could categorise this as "literature". (I haven't seen the film; but maybe it could revive some interest. I can't help but feel it would be terribly "Gone With The Wind"-esque, though.

FURTHER COMMENT, MADE ON 21ST AUGUST 2008: "I got an A on my exam for this! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!"
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Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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Rhiannon D'Averc You.




Rachel The books lacks a real story, is over-long, and whoever gave Mr Frazier a thesaurus should seriously reconsider their actions, because the excessive descriptions cause the reader to lose the will to live.

I AGREE TOTALLY. I did a lot of skimming.

message 3: by Kyla (new)

Kyla haha, congrats on the A, and I'll save myself the read! I'm joining a book club that is considering reading it. I'll try to dissuade them!

message 4: by Braden (new)

Braden Lewis That was one Hell of a day

Catherine Dunphy Surprised you got an A as your grammar and spelling sucks.

message 6: by Maceline (new)

Maceline Jackpff

Marckus I actually liked the book, but your review cracked me up!

message 8: by Jim (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jim Cold Mountain, based on real events, is an amazing historical telling of a country coming home from war. The terrible pain of loosing to the North and of a love made too sad by distance and frequent death. I thought his telling of the long walk home and southern idioms was facinating and some of the best storytelling I can recall ever will learn in time what he had to say I trust.

Michael Cogdill Your review makes me long to give you one lesson in writing.

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