Christa Schönmann Abbühl's Reviews > Honour Bound

Honour Bound by Helen Harper
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it was amazing
bookshelves: own-audio

Loved it. A truly entertaining listening experience. Will jump right to the third book in the series.

The story is told entirely from the POV of the heroine. I like how you get to know and understand her through her thoughts and actions. She may be a thief, a trickster and a tease. But she also has a generous heart, and follows her inner compass, her own kind of honor, even when it is clearly not in her best interest.

I also do enjoy the growing attraction between her and the son of her mortal enemy.
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Reading Progress

February 21, 2018 – Started Reading
February 21, 2018 – Shelved
February 27, 2018 – Finished Reading
May 2, 2018 – Shelved as: own-audio

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