Teri-K's Reviews > The Last Suppers

The Last Suppers by Diane Mott Davidson
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did not like it
bookshelves: mystery

Wow, either my tastes have changed a lot or my memory is getting pretty foggy. I used to read this series when it first came out and I remember enjoying it, though I stopped after eight or so books. I haven't read any since then. When I realized I could reread this one and fulfill several GR challenge tasks, I eagerly looked forward to an enjoying story. Instead I had to force myself to finish.

First off, who calls their fiancé by his full name? About 50% of the time they talk or think about him? Our heroine did that through the entire book. It was very annoying. As for her church, if someone behaved the way the bishop did in any church I've ever been part of, it would be considered a scandal and things would be looked in to. I can't imagine anyone just passing that behavior off.

A smaller annoyance was the insistence that marriage lasts beyond death. Love and caring, yes. Marriage? No. I've been a widow for ten years. The last thing survivors need is to feel obligated to remain bound to a dead person for the rest of their life. It's not romantic, it's cruel.

As for the story itself, all the suspects were nasty, narrow minded people and I couldn't manage to feel bad if any of them were guilty. All in all, I won't be revisiting this series again for a very, very long time.
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Reading Progress

February 16, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
February 16, 2018 – Shelved
February 24, 2018 – Started Reading
February 24, 2018 – Shelved as: mystery
February 28, 2018 –
page 30
February 28, 2018 –
page 64
23.53% "Who refers to their fiancé by their full name - every time they mention them? It's annoying when authors have people use full names in conversation. Real folks hardly ever do that. Once or twice at first if you think the reader needs to remember their full name, but then Cut It Out!"
March 1, 2018 –
page 174
63.97% "I remember liking this series, but I'm having to force myself to read this. hmm..."
March 2, 2018 – Finished Reading

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