♏ Gina☽'s Reviews > The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust

The Nazi Officer's Wife by Edith Hahn Beer
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it was amazing
bookshelves: history, memoirs, nonfiction, germany

Wow - what a story!
Edith Hahn is brave beyond belief, surviving a horrific period of history.
She was a young Jewish woman living in Vienna when she was taken by the Gestapo and delivered to a ghetto, eventually ending up in a slave labor camp. Many months later, having survived all of that, she returns home, knowing she is simply a sitting duck and will be hunted and taken, and most likely murdered. She goes underground, changes her name, and ends up in Munich. All of this was complished with the help of a friend who happened to be Christian. Now Grete Denner, she lives in constant, near-paralyzing fear that her secret will be uncovered and she will be marched off to a death camp. Nazi Werner Vetter meets Grete and falls deeply in love with her. Their relationship takes off and he wants to marry Grete. She makes the incredible decision to tell Werner the truth of her name and lineage. Miraculously, he loves her so much, he keeps her true identity a secret, and they marry. Eventually, Grete becomes pregnant. She refuses any pain control during childbirth, fearing she might accidentally say something about being Jewish or who her parents were. This book includes copies of photos Edith took while she was in the slave labor camps. It's not an easy story to hear, but it's a very important one. Edith is an extremely brave woman who stepped forth and told the world the truth about the labor camps.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
January 23, 2018 – Shelved
January 23, 2018 – Shelved as: history
January 23, 2018 – Shelved as: memoirs
January 23, 2018 – Shelved as: nonfiction
March 28, 2018 – Shelved as: germany

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message 1: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Incredible story.

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