Maria Espadinha's Reviews > The Lie Tree

The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge
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Tell me lies , tell me sweet little lies...

Oh, No!...
Not silly, mean, small, insignificant lies!
Let them be huge, outrageous, extraordinary, gigantic!
Feed me a juicy, spicy lie, one of those everyone can't stop chatting about...
One of those everybody claims to believe, and I'll reward you with the most valuable, precious secrete!
I trade lies for strong, powerful trues!
Cos I'm the Lie Tree, and that's my exclusive magnanimous endowment!!!

Besides entertainning, this fantasy is also about the power of lies! 😉

“Choose a lie that others wish to believe” ... “They will cling to it, even if it is proven false before their face. If anyone tries to show them the Truth, they will turn on them and fight them tooth and nail.”

“There were kind lies. You still look beautiful. I love you. I forgive you.
There were frightened lies. Someone else must have taken it. Of course I am Anglican. I never saw that baby before.
There were predatory lies. Buy this tonic if you want your child to recover. I will look after you. Your secret is safe with me.
Half-lies, and the tense little silences where a truth should have been. Lies like knives, lies like poultices. The tiger's stripe, and the fawn's dusky dapple. And everywhere, everywhere, the lies that people told themselves. Dreams like cut flowers, with no nourishing root. Will-o'-the-wisp lights to make them feel less alone in the dark. Hollow resolutions and empty excuses.”

Curiously, when we think about a good lie, we can easily picture a tree -- it has a strong root and grows all over several branches 😉👍
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Finished Reading (Other Paperback Edition)
January 19, 2018 – Shelved (Other Paperback Edition)
January 19, 2018 – Shelved

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Maria Espadinha Thanks a lot for your precious support, my lovely friends :)
Lies can have a considerable power ;)
Happy readings to all :))

message 2: by David (new)

David A nice analogy of the tree to lies. Makes perfect sense.

Maria Espadinha I thought so too, my dear David
Thanks for dropping by 😍

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