Rachel's Reviews > Manhattan Beach

Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
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did not like it
bookshelves: audio

I should be careful with books on 'Best of' lists...they always seem to be similar to Oscar winning movies. All pretension and fluff, and minimal substance/actual story line. This book was just simply bad. I felt like I had been given an assignment to read 'an important literary book' and I dreaded every single time I put my ear plugs in to listen to it.

It showed promise, but had such disparate and unrelated story lines (there are a total of 8 parts in the book), that it just was not well done. Being able to use elaborate words and phrases to describe how a peplum was added to a shirt to make it more contemporary does not a good book make! Ms. Egan has won a Pulitzer for a previous book, but I am still shocked this was on 'Best of 2017' lists - it does not deserve it at all.

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Reading Progress

December 20, 2017 – Started Reading
December 20, 2017 – Shelved
December 20, 2017 – Shelved as: audio
January 4, 2018 – Finished Reading

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