Ycart6's Reviews > Nutshell Library: Alligators all around / Chicken Soup With Rice / One was Johnny / Pierre

Nutshell Library by Maurice Sendak
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U 50x66
's review

it was amazing

These books are great! The rhymes are simple and catchy. There is a moral to every story, and a three year old will sit through all four. When Matthew and I read Pierre, I have Matthew read the "I Don't Care" part. Hmmm...maybe that wasn't such a good idea, Matthew went through an "I don't care" phase when his parents first started reading him the books. I guess he's over it, but he still likes to read the "I don't care" part. Sendak really caught the essence of imagination combined with simplicity.
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May 2, 2008 – Shelved

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message 1: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Blackmer my friend, you should be a literary critic. You write so well! Please send more reviews. Tu es incroyable!

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