R.'s Reviews > The Players: A Novel of the Young Shakespeare

The Players by Stephanie Cowell
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I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway. Stephanie Cowell's "The Players: A Novel of the Young Shakespeare" was a well written novel that transports the reader back in time to Elizabethan England. The story starts in William Shakespeare's hometown of Stratford. Young William matures into a young adult and accidentally gets an older woman, Anne Hathaway, pregnant. The two marry and have three children. Shakespeare realizes he has dreams and other interests in his heart that he desires to pursue. He travels to London by himself where he begins a career as a playwright and actor. He dutifully sends money home to his family on a regular basis. In London, his life fills up with colorful characters. Shakespeare becomes obsessed with Emilia Bassano, an Italian musician, and the Earl of Southampton. A passionate love for both characters ensues. I would recommend this book especially, to fans of William Shakespeare.
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Reading Progress

September 28, 2017 – Started Reading
October 7, 2017 – Finished Reading
October 8, 2017 – Shelved

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