John's Reviews > Welcome to Bordertown

Welcome to Bordertown by Holly Black
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really liked it
bookshelves: sf-fantasy, children-ya

Nice to see some utopian visions among all the dystopian ones that are filling up the bookshelves now. The poetry here didn't knock my socks off, but the stories are all at least Good, and of particular note are:

Cory Doctorow's, for explaining so credibly why Faerie should be so decisively off limits to humans;
Will Shetterly's, for being such a feelgood tale (Charles de Lint's closer for the same reason);
Janni Lee Simner's, for giving the "Twilight" series such a chilly little...tweak;
The "Fairy Trade" story, presented in graphic format, for giving Border Town some right-on visuals;
Tim Pratt's, for being particularly well told and also for dropping in the literary term "abstinence porn." Wow!
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
September 23, 2011 – Shelved
September 23, 2011 – Shelved as: sf-fantasy
September 23, 2011 – Shelved as: children-ya
September 23, 2011 – Finished Reading

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